Husband | Father | Teacher | Author

Maturing  Faith, Leaving A Legacy.

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Greetings & Continued Blessings

Dr Michael Scantlebury, a beacon of wisdom and servant of the Lord, extends his ministry to the furtherment of your calling and walk of faith. This platform is dedicated to the maturation of believers and creating a legacy of faith that will resonate through generations.

The Vision

Igniting an awakening in the hearts of the believers, Dr Scantlebury envisions a community that goes beyond surface-level faith, diving deeper into the great and unsearchable truths of the Word. The vision is to empower individuals to not only understand but embody the word of God, creating a ripple effect that shapes the future of Christianity.

The Mission

The mission is twofold. Firstly, Dr Michael Scantlebury is committed to providing you believers access to his writings, teachings, books, sermons, and school of ministry materials that serve as a compass for your spiritual journey. Secondly, through these resources, Dr Michael aims to leave an indelible legacy for the next generation of Christians, ensuring that the flame of faith burns ever brighter.


Embark on a transformative journey through over 500 profound teachings by Apostle Michael Scantlebury. Our audio playlist, meticulously organized in series, provides easy navigation for you to immerse yourself in the sermons that resonate with you wherever you are in your spiritual journey. 

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Explore the depths of wisdom through engaging videos, both long and short, carefully crafted by Apostle Michael Scantlebury. Each video is designed to edify and equip you on your Christian journey, offering nuggets of profound insight to enrich your walk with faith.


For those who cherish the written word, this section invites you to immerse yourself in the wisdom and revelation found in Apostle Michael Scantlebury's Articles. Let the text be a wellspring of knowledge, guiding you on your spiritual path with depth and clarity.

Join The  Legacy Vault

Step into The Legacy Vault, a repository of over 20 years' worth of sermon notes and valuable content. This treasure, carefully curated by Apostle Scantlebury, is a resource for pastors, leaders, ministry workers, and avid students of the Word. Engage directly with Apostle Scantlebury on this platform, making wisdom literature an integral part of your arsenal.

Ebook Store

Explore a wealth of knowledge with over 20 books written by Apostle Michael. From Eschatology to Spiritual Transformation, these titles, once exclusive to hardcopies on Amazon, are now available for download in PDF format. Invest in your spiritual growth and knowledge with these transformative reads, priced as low as $5.00 each.

About Dr. Michael Scantlebury

Apostle Michael Scantlebury, originally hailing from the twin-island republic of Trinidad & Tobago and now a proud Canadian citizen, calls Vancouver, BC, Canada home alongside his beloved wife, Sandra, and their two daughters and son.

His journey of faith began in November 1979 when he wholeheartedly embraced Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord. Just months later, he felt the divine call to ministry, marking the commencement of three years of intensive training at Barataria Church of God, an affiliate of the Assemblies of God. Following this period, he assumed the role of Associate Pastor at Ekklesia Teaching Centre.

In 1992, Mr Scantlebury transitioned to another local church, contributing significantly in various leadership capacities, including Pastoral Minister with direct oversight for men, young converts, cell groups, and the establishment of new churches. His impactful service endured until the Lord led him to Canada in 1997.

Today, Apostle Scantlebury stands as the Founder and Senior Elder of Dominion-Life International Ministries, a dynamic, multi-ethnic, and growing Body of Believers birthed in 2002. His remarkable contributions to the Body of Christ earned him an honorary doctorate, acknowledging his significant role in writing and publishing Present-Truth material.

A Founding Apostle of the Kingdom-Impact International Network (KIN), Apostle Scantlebury has now transitioned to Founder Emeritus, passing the mantle to his spiritual son, Apostle Brandon Bailey of Teleios Church in South Africa.

Beyond his leadership roles, Apostle Scantlebury remains fervently dedicated to training and equipping young leaders to fulfil their divine callings.

His influence extends globally, marked by radio and television appearances and ministerial journeys throughout the Caribbean, South America, North America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. As an esteemed author of over twenty books, including the acclaimed trilogy on the Apostolic, Apostle Scantlebury's writings are highly recommended.

Prophetess Sandra, his wife and devoted travel companion, complements their ministry with a strong apostolic/prophetic anointing. Together, they share an unyielding desire to witness the Church reach full maturity and unity for greater impact in the world.

Apostle Michael Scantlebury is a man wholly committed to preaching and teaching the gospel of the Kingdom, upholding the integrity and authority of God's Word, all grounded in a Spirit-filled life.

Latest Title by Apostle Michael Scantlebury

Understanding The Revelation.

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